GOM – GOURMET OVER MURA is a partnership that connects selected local culinary and wine service providers: Firbas Farm, Marof Winery, Kodila Ham Production, Bevog Brewery, Rajh Restaurant, Steyer Winery and The Kocbek Oil Mill. GOURMET OVER MURA combines knowledge, valuable experience, tradition and modernity. Each provider contributes its very own unique products to provide the guests with an unforgettable experience of Slovenske gorice. Discover what we have to offer and experience the best of what the destination has to offer. There are special vouchers available, to combine different experiences. You can buy them from Gourmet over Mura providers or at various other locations. Find more information here at www.gourmet-over-mura.si/vavcerji.

If you visit Firbas Farm in the frame of The Gourmet over Mura experience, you will get a guided tour of the homestead, a delicious snack with home-made cold cuts, a glass of pear juice and a ride around the farm with an oldtimer tractor (the package costs 13€).